Saturday, November 11, 2017

So, I'm kinda starting over here. 

This blog has been around since 2010, although it hasn't had many posts in  the last couple of years. Before that, I regularly posted on MySpace (remember that!) and LiveJournal (that too!) - but a lot of that stuff really was just about my adventures in the pro wrestling business. 

A few years ago I tried to start writing about music a little bit, but I was forcing myself to do it, rather than actually wanting to write. Recently though, I have got the bug to start writing again. 

I thought about creating a new blogs somewhere and "starting fresh", but in the end I decided to just revive this space, rather than starting new.  But this blog will not be focused on wrestling, especially my now dormant career in the squared circle. 

I have a degree in Journalism & Communication from The Ohio State University.  I haven't really ever done much with that degree, honestly.  When my focus was 100% on making a living as a professional wrestler, I always viewed everything else I did as a side-hustle, or a gig that helped pay the bills.  Considering that I haven't wrestled since 2011, and my "side hustle" somehow turned into working for the same company for a quarter of my life, well, maybe I need  something else to do on the side. 

Recently I saw an interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates, where he said that his blog allowed him to hone his craft.  I am very much interested in becoming a better writer, a better communicator, and I am not really interested in diving into social media beyond Twitter. 

So, here we are.  

What I am looking to do here is to get more of my thoughts down "on paper".  Rather than posting half-ass responses on Reddit or something, I am going to try to put my thoughts down here, writing things with some kind of perspective.  I want the thoughts that I put down here to be coherent if someone actually ends up reading them.  Plus, I want to do things like add links, sources, photos, stuff like that.  That isn't to say I will not be active on Twitter, because I most certainly will be. 

The last couple years have just been really frustrating.  Much of life is actually going real well for me, personally, but society has taken an amazing nose dive.  I want to talk about some of the things I see going on in this world.  Right now, I do not have any children, but what is going on right now needs to be talked about.  So, I am going to talk a little bit about life on here, on how thinsg are, how they used to be, and what my opinions are on what is going on.



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